More Jesus!
Yes, that is what we are all about.

We want to know and love Him more.  We want more of His love, more of His presence, more of His power, and more of His will in our lives, our families, our church, and our city. We want more of His plan, His blessing, His healing, His freedom, and His peace.

And we want you to have more Jesus in your life! We want you to discover how much you matter to Jesus, deepen your relationship with Him, and grow into the person He made you to be.

We exist to help you follow Jesus and fulfill your purpose.

Just like Jesus told His first disciples, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19)", so Jesus is still saying this to us today. We become who we were created to be and we fulfill our God-given purpose through a relationship with Jesus. Our job is to help you come to Jesus, hear His voice, and follow Him. We are done with religion; we don't want to build an institution. We just want more Jesus!

To multiply disciples & churches

Isaiah 54:3 declares, "For you shall expand to the right and to the left, And your descendants will inherit the nations, And make the desolate cities inhabited."

This prophetic promise is describing a transformation in people’s lives that results in a transformation in a city.  

We are not after ‘big church', but ‘big people’ making a ‘big impact’. We believe the result of fulfilling our mission will be the multiplication of disciples and churches that transform schools, businesses, neighborhoods, churches, and cities. Jesus told us, “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit (John 15:5).” Our focus is abiding; His job is supernatural fruitfulness.

Jesus + you = an expanding life
 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." - John 10:10 

Our whole church is designed for you to grow in your relationship with God and your calling:

  • Our gatherings & groups help us ENCOUNTER Jesus, discover our value in Christ, and rececive His love.
  • Our disciple program (OSL) helps us be EQUIPPED as followers of Jesus who hear God and do what He says.
  • Our ministry and outreach teams help us EXTEND ourselves to others with the love and power of the Spirit.
  • And our training center helps us to EXPAND God's Kingdom by becoming disciple-makers.